Soundscape for a Landscape
Explore the rich and complex landscapes of California and create a soundscape that reflects your journey.
Accompanying Resources
Frequently Asked Questions
Students may share their composition using one or more of the following formats:
Soundscape (a collection of various sound samples meaningfully arranged to express an idea or emotion that a composer is trying to convey; it is like a sound-painting).
Graphic score (click here for some examples)
Traditional score
Audio or video recording of performance
You may create your composition for a variety of instruments, including (but not limited to):
1. Classroom instruments (e.g., shakers, recorder, bells, drums, xylophone, etc.)
2. Voice
3. Found objects or sounds
4. Solo instrument
5. Body percussion
6. Chamber ensemble
7. Full orchestra
Compositions may be as short as 30 seconds, but no longer than 5 minutes.
Email visual score(s), audio and video links, and small supporting files to
For larger files, please upload to the California Festival Dropbox.